29 марта, 2025
ДомойТелекомСобытия"Oracle Exadata – Value and Benefits", joint event by Technofusion and MUK

«Oracle Exadata – Value and Benefits», joint event by Technofusion and MUK

Technofusion, a leader in innovative IT solutions, along with the MUK Group of Companies, organized a business breakfast on the topic «Oracle Exadata – Value and Benefits». The event gathered over 20 representatives from the leading financial institutions of Azerbaijan, including banks, insurance companies, and state financial organizations.

The main focus was on Oracle Exadata, a powerful tool for data processing and performance enhancement. Experts demonstrated how this platform helps organizations efficiently handle data storage, transaction processing, and analytics tasks by leveraging AI and machine learning.

Special attention was given to a presentation by a representative of Xalq Bank OJSC, one of the country’s leading banks. They shared real-life experiences of using Oracle Exadata, highlighting how the technology significantly accelerated data processing, reporting, and backup processes, thereby improving customer service. Additionally, Oracle Exadata enabled more efficient use of IT resources and optimization of the IT infrastructure.

Participants also discussed how Oracle Exadata consolidates different workloads into a single system, simplifying management, enhancing scalability, and reducing costs.

Another key highlight was the announcement of the new generation Exadata X10M platform, released in 2024. This version, equipped with AMD EPYC fourth-generation processors, significantly boosts performance and offers higher density in computing and storage.

The event was conducted in a professional yet friendly atmosphere, where participants actively exchanged ideas and experiences. At the conclusion, attendees received answers to their relevant questions regarding the implementation of Oracle Exadata in their organizations.

About Technofusion:

Since its founding in 2016, Technofusion has been delivering IT solutions that optimize workflows, enhance profitability, and provide a competitive edge in the market. Leveraging partnerships with global giants like Oracle, Dell, Cisco, Palo Alto, and others, Technofusion offers cutting-edge digital solutions tailored to address the evolving challenges of modern business.

Technofusion is also a cybersecurity expert, ensuring comprehensive protection for your business and preventing cyberattacks before they can jeopardize your success.

About MUK Group of Companies:

The MUK Group of Companies is a major distributor of IT solutions and equipment operating in the countries of the Caucasus, Central Asia and Europe. MUK offers comprehensive solutions from leading global manufacturers in the field of information technology.

Since 2016, the MUK Training Center has also been successfully operating in Azerbaijan, providing clients with comfortable learning conditions, practical experience on quality equipment, and vendor authorization.



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